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Saturday, April 30, 2011

At least I wasn't set on fire!

So Boston beat Montreal in game 7 of the playoffs. Bravo to the Bruins, they played a great game. I'm a Montreal fan though, and the only one in my office. I should keep a low profile while I'm in Bruin territory, but i can't help showing Canadien colors!
I was actually told by my direct supervisor that if the Canadiens win, don't bother coming in to work the next day or i might be set on fire. Well, Boston won so I was able to go in to work the next day with peace of mind that i would not see a flame.
I am bummed that Montreal didn't win to move on in the playoffs, but I don't care about anything enough to the point where i would threaten bodily harm on someone else.  But if you start shit with me about Manga, then i will cut a bitch!

So in case you actually wanted something concerning knitting... here is a pattern for some really cute Canadian mittens from The Diamond Yarn Blog

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