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Saturday, April 30, 2011

At least I wasn't set on fire!

So Boston beat Montreal in game 7 of the playoffs. Bravo to the Bruins, they played a great game. I'm a Montreal fan though, and the only one in my office. I should keep a low profile while I'm in Bruin territory, but i can't help showing Canadien colors!
I was actually told by my direct supervisor that if the Canadiens win, don't bother coming in to work the next day or i might be set on fire. Well, Boston won so I was able to go in to work the next day with peace of mind that i would not see a flame.
I am bummed that Montreal didn't win to move on in the playoffs, but I don't care about anything enough to the point where i would threaten bodily harm on someone else.  But if you start shit with me about Manga, then i will cut a bitch!

So in case you actually wanted something concerning knitting... here is a pattern for some really cute Canadian mittens from The Diamond Yarn Blog

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wishing there was a way to knit and read a book at the same time...

Another passion of mine is reading. I love to read Manga and romance novels! I eat them up... num num num!
So when i can find a romance novel that involves knitting, i am super interested! (i've never found a Manga based on romance and knitting... unfortunately)
I have read "How to Knit a Love Song" and the recently released "How To Knit a Heart Back Home" by Rachael Herron. "How to Knit a Love Song" was a great read that i could revisit many times over. The sequel, "How to Knit a Heart Back Home" was a good read but was disappointingly not up to par to the first book.
There is also a very enjoyable book series from Heidi Betts about three girlfriends from a knitting group and each of their stories. "Tangled In Love", "Loves Me, Loves Me Knot", and "Knock Me For A Loop".
I purchased "The Friday Night Knitting Club" by Kate Jacobs but didn't finish it. i lost interest half way through the book and didn't bother with the sequels either, "Knit Two" and "Knit The Season". rated the first book 3 out of 5 stars and the customer reviews were divided. I was really hoping to enjoy this series, but alas, i did not. Which is surprising because there is a character named Lucie (yes, with an IE), but even my narcissistic nature couldn't hold my interest in the novel.
A quick search on has popped up a series of romance novels from Christie Ridgway centered around knitting. I can't distract myself with another book series or i won't get any knitting done, but I look forward to reading "How To Knit A Wild Bikini"!
Please comment if you know of any novels in this genre that i have not listed. Thanks!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Simply Heavenly and Genki

I'm a day late posting because i was hoping to have my latest creation finished. I was inspired by one of my favorite songs. Genki Rockets- Heavenly Star. I recently watched the video again and couldn't get the colors out of my head. So i went to my local yarn shop and  picked up some sky blue yarn. Nothing special about the pattern. Just a simple stockinette stitch all the way through. Instead of cabling the entire purse (like i do) i added a large crochet star. Added a faux leather strap instead of the usual wooden handles. My Mom was kind enough to add a zipper for me (yeah, i suck at zippers). Unfortunately it is not finished yet, but hopefully it will be done soon. You will be the first to know! in the meantime, here is the video for the inspiration of the new design, maybe it will inspire you too!

UPDATE: The purse is done! Thanks Mom!

UPDATE: I hate the feeling that something is missing and i don't know what it is. i thought maybe it was the star on the front, so i changed it so it didn't look so sloppy. I added a crochet 6 point star. Now i think i may hate it even more, because now it looks like a snowflake instead of a star. I'm thinking about sacrificing it to the yarn gods by lighting it on fire. i honestly don't know what to do to this project to make it better.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's A Sweater!

so here is a fun project for you all. Don't get rid of your old sweaters, make them into purses! this is especially great if you have a sweater that you love but can't bear to part with it (even if it has a stain and/or hole). if you have a solid color sweater, you can dress it up with pins or crochet flowers to add decoration. this is a great project for people who don't crochet or knit but can still make something semi-homemade. Also, you are recycling! So don't forget to pat yourself on the back for doing a good job!
Below is a great video on how to make your old sweater into a fun purse from
PS. if you grew up in the 80's you would know which movie the quote "It's a Sweater" comes from. But in case you're having a hard time, here is a hint...
Send me a message if you still don't get it

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Poor purse! Poor bag! Poor bag without a name!

I just finished a new purse. I started knitting a Caroline bag when inspiration hit me... literally. No not literally, but it sounds better that way!

I started it this past week and finished it today. I worked very hard during the Wrestling Weekend of 2011.
Picked out a lining that i already had in stock along with wooden handles.
I don't have a name for it, because i like to follow the tradition of naming the bag after the new owner. (Maybe i'll get sick of that tradition and start naming them after clever sounding diseases. But anyways, here it is. The No Name Bag! I hope you like it...

And if you are trying to figure out the title. Its a quote from Breakfast at Tiffany's. The original quote is "Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wrestling with Mr. Darcy

One of the most frustrating things is finding out you have made a mistake and have to unravel your work. i discovered my mess up last night and will have to undo about half of the work i've done so far.
I'm thinking about just continuing with the mess up and then making it part of the design of the piece.
i don't know if you will be able to tell by the photo.
the first two complete braids to the left are smaller than the two to the right.

This weekend i will be able to catch up on finishing purses that have been sitting for a while. Once i finish knitting or crocheting a purse, i tend to put it to the side before putting a liner and handles on it. i get kind of lazy once the pattern portion is compete.
Anyways, this weekend if Wrestlemania and a bunch of Ring of Honor pay-per-views. i don't like wrestling, but Mike does. So while he is getting his fill of sweaty half naked men rolling around in a ring, i can put lining and handles on all the bags that are unfinished.

I can't make fun of Mike too much. I have to remind myself that Wrestlemania is the equivalent to the Pride & Prejudice 6-hour mini series (Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy= YUMMY!) I will end today's blog with a video of one of my favorite scenes from that mini-series. Enjoy!