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Saturday, March 26, 2011

It begins again

I just updated my website with a new design and an all new Blog! very exciting. I'm happy to update my website with new features and also new purses. I felt guilty for neglecting my website. It was in bad shape, but now its been revamped and ready to go.
I've also felt guilty about neglecting my knitting. It took me a year to finish a second "Claire" purse. A project that normally takes no more than two weeks turned into a year. I've been preoccupied with work and life, i guess.
But that is going to change, i am determined to keep this website updated and start knitting again. I've even taken a photo of the yarn i will be using for a new Caroline bag. I'm on a pink kick lately. which i guess will be nice for the spring! i'll keep you updated on the progress.

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