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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The operation was a success

So sometimes my head muscle gets these ideas which i think are pretty cool. So i take these pretty cool ideas and try to make them into reality. The results aren't always what i expected.  But when it does come out what i had imagined, its freakin' awesome!

I always put liners into each purse i make. i try to find really fun patterns so people can enjoy the inside as much as the outside the bag. Sometimes i find a material that is so freakin' awesome that i get bummed that its only on the inside of the purse. So i needed to find a way to surgically combined yarn and cloth together into and awesome purse.

So i took a weekend trip to visit my quilt fanatic mother-in-law and this is what i came back with.

Patient A
I knit 2 flat sides and constructed the rest of the purse in cloth.

Patient B
I knit a more complex pattern and again constructed the rest in cloth.

I think the results are amazing and i already have more ideas for different patterns.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

and then i said "?#@*&%!"


The moment when you realize you don't have enough yarn to finish a project.
Option 3- "I totally did that on purpose"
I am currently in this predicament. I've been working on a purse and realized that my ball of yarn is getting smaller much too quickly. I will most likely run out of yarn before i finish the pattern.

There are three ways to fix this...

  1. Find the same exact yarn and dye number at the store you purchased the yarn from
  2. Find a yarn very similar to the yarn you've been using and hope no one notices the slight different in color or yarn thickness.
  3. Find a yarn in a complimentary color and finish your project with that yarn. Tell people you switched colors on purpose as a fashion statement.

i will have to go with a combination of options 2 and 3. The dark red yarn i was using was leftover from another project and one that i've had for a few years. Its very unlikely that i will be able to find the same yarn at the store.

The purse project I've been working on requires a double strand of yarn. which means that i have to knit two strands of yarn at the same time as one stitch. i plan to find a similar yarn to the one i've been using and use the leftover yarn as one strand and the new yarn as the other strand.
If anyone notices... option 3 will come into play. "I totally did that on purpose. Doesn't it look so fun!"

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Forever Christmas

It's been a while... i know i've broken my promise of keeping up with this blog. I'm sorry to those few people who actually read this.
I've been keeping busy with my Knitting Club and also making Christmas presents for family.

This is a forever scarf but
not the pattern listed below.
Right now is crunch time for Christmas shoppers. If you need something quick but still has a homemade touch. i suggest making a Forever Scarf. Its very easy to do and can be done in just a few hours.
Start off with a set of Size 35 knitting needles. These suckers are huge! you can find them at Michaels or Joann Fabric. It will feel very awkward knitting with these jumbo needles. Kind of like when you write with those jumbo novelty pens.

Grab two skeins of your favorite yarn. I used a chunky yarn. the bigger the needs and the bigger the yarn, the faster the scarf will be done.
Cast on 10 to 20 stitches, depending on how wide you want the scarf, then Garter Stitch (knit every row) until you have reached the desired length. I ended up using both skeins and was able to comfortable wrap the scarf around my neck twice.

Leave a little yarn so you can use it to sew the two ends together to create the Forever Scarf.
Quick, easy and the gift-ee will love the gift-er who made it.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Heaven looks a lot like a Granny Square

I have a surplus of leftover yarn and what i love to do is make Granny Squares with it. So right now I am in Granny Square Heaven!
Granny Squares are great when you have bits and pieces of yarn leftover from a bigger project. Not enough to make something, but too much to just get rid of it. So instead, combine all the scrap yarn and make granny squares. Its amazing how you can take a bunch of mismatched yarn, put it together and make a beautiful afghan. It also has that homemade feel to it that i love.

Have fun with Granny Squares...

  1. Make slippers- I have a men's pair in size 11 if any wants them!
  2. Make two really big ones, sew then together, stuff it with cotton and voila! You have a granny square pillow!
  3. Granny Square Scarf
  4. Granny Square Purse- Visit and see the ones i have available now.
  5. Granny Square Leg Warmers and Wrist Warmers.
  6. Table Covers
  7. Coasters
  8. Any type of clothing- Jacket, Blouse, Halter Top, Skirt... Pants?

The possibilities are endless... From colors to patterns.
Check out your local craft store for granny square pattern books or google "Granny Square patterns" and see what comes up. I like Crochet Pattern Central and i also have a few books with a variety of patterns.

So make your Grandmother proud and start your Granny Squares!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Excuse me while I pat myself on the back

I finished the purse that my sister asked me to copy from a photo she saw. I think I did a pretty good job. Let me know what you think?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fiber! Not the kind that makes you poop...

This past weekend was the 2nd Annual Fiber Festival of New England at the Eastern States Expo. And just like the title says, this fiber is not the kind that makes you poop.
Yes, just like the one from Sleeping Beauty

Fiber is the material you use to make yarn. Whether its sheep, goat, alpaca or rabbit. Fiber is the furry coat or fleece that is trimmed from the animals and then is spun into yarn.

Pygora Goats are a cross between
 Pygmy and Angora Goats
This was my first time at this event and hope it won't be the last. I was surprised when I walked in and it instantly smelled like a barn. A quick glanced showed me that not only did independent farms bring fiber and knitted products, but they actually brought their animals as well. It was so great walking up to the alpacas and actually feeling how soft their coats were.

I fell in love with a pair of pygora goats that let me pet their heads and scratch under their chins just like dogs. I walked away before they could roll onto their backs and start begging for me to scratch their bellies.

I stopped at each booth which had a variety of products and information. From large bags of un-spun fiber, finished products, dye colors, spinning wheels, and buttons... lots and lots of buttons! I was able to find the PERFECT button to compliment a purse i just finished.

The HitchHiker from The Merlin Tree
One booth had a woman spinning fiber into an adorable portable spinning wheel. After watching another yarn enthusiast learn how to spin and seeing how easy and relaxing it looks, I wanted to buy a wheel for myself instantly. Until i looked at the price...
Spinning wheels may be expensive but they're probably worth it. It's just not for me right now. I'm already considered an old lady with my knitting and crochet and i'm not even thirty yet. (I said YET! and yes, i am counting the days).
Anyways, a few hours later and a little less money in my purse, i left the festival and can't wait for next year.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bacon makes it better!

Yes... I am an adorable squirrel!
My cousin Melissa asked me a few months ago to replicate a neck warmer she saw in a shop in New Hampshire. I forgot about it up until a week ago and became determined to finish the project.
Its a prototype of the neck warmer she saw at the shop. I used a cotton yarn in a espresso color. The buttons I got at WEBS in Northampton. they have a great variety of buttons (a little pricey) but worth it. You can't see it too well in the photo but each button is different. You can really dress up a simple scarf, hat or neck warmer with some really fun buttons or pins.
Right around the time that Melissa asked me about the neck warmer, my sister Caroline showed me this photo of a purse she wanted me to replicate as well. it looks like a simple knit/purl project with a few hardware pieces. I just started the project and will keep you updated on its progress.

On a side note... i took a Sunday drive today and  stopped at a diner called Chelle's. I was told i had to stop and have their Peanut Butter, Bacon and Banana sandwich. I've loved PB & Banana sandwiches ever since i was a kid... just like Elvis! I have to say that Bacon does make it better. I suggest you stop by and order one along with some Mr. Pibb!